In 2017 the Dane Frederik Holm in his powerful Renault Megane V6 aced the Baltic Open Touring Car Championship class. This year Holm will be back at the Estonian Grand Prix as he shares his opinion of the track and the plans for the season.
Please describe the auto24ring track - what do you like or not like about it?
I think it's a really nice track, it's not the hardest course technically I've driven on, but it's a fast track and that I like well. What I do not like about the auto24ring track is that the exit curbs are extremely bad.
What are your plans
for this season?
I plan to run a couple of races in Estonia
and Latvia and then on to Denmark etc.
Tell us about your racing career in 5 (or maybe a couple more) sentences.
I started when I was 4 years old as a motorcycle rider. When I was 14, I switched to a racing car. In 2002 I started driving a special saloon car - I have won several races and titles over time.
What advice would
you give to a young kid who is only starting out as a racing
Start by running go-carts and learning the basic
steps, then it is only a question of how long you want and how much
time you want to put into racing.

4 questions: Frederik Holm
In 2017 shone
Danish Frederik Holm in his powerful Renault Megane V6 in the Baltic Sea.
championship in the Open Touring Car class. This year, Holm returns
at the Estonian Grand Prix at auto24ring and will share his thoughts on the event
and talks about his plans for the season.
What do you think
auto24ring circuit? What do you think are the strengths of the circuit and/or
My I think it's a very good circular route. It is not technically the most technically the most difficult track I've ever ridden, but it's a fast track that I like it very much. What I don't like about the auto24ring at all. the cornering there.
What's yours with this plans for the season?
Plaanin do some racing in Estonia and Latvia and then also in Denmark. etc.
Please describe 5 sentence to describe your racer journey.
Started at At the age of 4 I started riding a motorbike. When I turned 14, I switched to to racing cars. In 2002 I started driving a special saloon car. class - I've won several races over the years and titles.
What would you recommend for a young guy just starting his racing career?
Start with fencing and acquiring the basics. After that, it's just a matter of, how long you want to race and how much time you want to spend on it. you dedicate to it.
Photos: private collection and BaTCC