Project name: Estonian Grand Prix 2019
Funded by: European Regional Development Fund

Short description of the project:
Estonian Grand Prix 2019 will take place 28.06.2019-30.06.2019 in Pärnumaa, auto24ring. The Estonian Grand Prix is a unique competition combining car and motorcycle racing in Estonia and the Baltic States.
Objectives and expected results:
The objectives of the project are to prepare and organise the Northern European Championship in car and motorcycle racing at the auto24ring in Pärnumaa. To organise a championship of the highest level on the FIA (International Automobile Federation) calendar for both cars and motorcycles and to introduce Estonia and our motorsport traditions internationally to competitors, spectators and the TV audience. The result of the project is a high-level, visitor-rich event that has introduced Estonia as a high-level host country for major competitions and our car and motorsport traditions internationally to both competitors and visitors,
for spectators and the TV audience. The large international competition has had a positive impact on the economic development of Pärnu County and Estonia as a whole, including tourism.
Amount of grant: €65 000